E-world 2021

Swedish-German Sustainability Forum – cooperation as key success factor to make Agenda 2030 come true

“Sustainability is everybody’s business!”

A sustainable energy system is the vision of the Swedish Energy Agency and the EnergyAgency.NRW. Are you curious to learn more about the Swedish contribution to reach the UN Sustainability Goals and how Sweden and North Rhine-Westphalia can cooperate even tighter to foster innovation? Welcome to this webinar!

You will learn about both the Swedish and the North Rhine-Westphalian journey towards sustainability and which focus areas are most important. Additionally, you will have the chance to meet innovative Swedish cleantech companies who offer products and solutions for a fossil free society. The webinar will end with a discussion on why cooperation is a crucial success factor for making Agenda 2030 come true.

Join us and you will see that Sweden and Germany are a perfect match – together on this journey.

Program: Infrastructure Forum, May 11, 2021, 10–11 a.m.

10:00  Welcome

Dr. Verena Adamheit, German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce
Stephanus Lintker, EnergyAgency.NRW

10:05  The Swedish contribution towards sustainability

Robert Andrén, Director General Swedish Energy Agency

10:15  NRW strategies for a sustainable energy transition

Michael Geßner, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy, State of North Rhine-Westphalia

10.25  Speed pitches of ten Swedish Cleantech Companies

10.45  Discussion – cooperation is key to success

Robert Andrén
Michael Geßner
Ninni Löwgren-Tischer, Head of Market Services at the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

10.55  Q&A

11.00  End of seminar

Moderation: Dr. Verena Adamheit, German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Pitching companies







Smart Recycling

Swedish Exergy

Swedish Neutral



After the event, you will have the opportunity to network digitally in the E-world Community until noon. Appointments of 9 minutes each can be arranged in advance via the e-world website and the menu tab “Networking”: Just pick an interesting person to talk to from the list of attendees and speakers and send them an invite for the time slot of your choice.

Event information and registration – e-world-essen.com

Event networking – e-world-essen.com