Nine innovative Swedish companies in second round of SGCP

Now it’s official: nine innovative Swedish companies within energy have qualified for the next round of the Swedish-German Cleantech Platform (SGCP). More than 25 companies applied to be part of the group 2021/2022 whereof the Swedish Energy Agency and the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, partners of SGCP, had to choose.

The chosen companies offer innovative products and solutions in a wide range of areas such as energy efficiency, e-mobility, digitalization and AI as well as renewable energy – but they are all united by contributing to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 7 (affordable and clean energy for all) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities), some even to more.

“We are very happy to see the contribution of our new companies to the SGDs as these are a guiding star for the energy transition at the Swedish Energy Agency,” explains Jenny Radkova, project leader at the Swedish Energy Agency.

The new group will after the summer – hopefully physically – join together for a kick-off meeting to prepare for the common activities. The kick-off meeting includes company presentations, market introduction to Germany, intercultural coaching and a pitch training.

Later in autumn the group will head off to the first delegation trip to Bavaria, exploring the innovation ecosystem and meeting potential customers and partners. The next delegation trip in spring 2022 will due to the success of the trip of the first group lead again to North Rhine-Westphalia.

“The timing for our delegations trips is perfect as the pandemic will be over soon and German corporates are keen to meet innovative companies from abroad, especially as there is a lot of political pressure to reach the ambitious German climate goals,” says Verena Adamheit, project leader at the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

Curious to meet our new SGCP-companies? Please have a look here:


Climacheck Sweden



Energy Opticon



Rebase Energy


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