Parans – leading sunlight deep into buildings
Parans offers sunlight for indoor environments and constructions through innovative technology and design. The system captures and leads the rays of the sun in and through the property – deep into buildings and far away from windows – and spreads the light in a way giving people a memorable experience. With the use of highly intelligent technology, Parans makes sunlight an indoor experience – available in any building, on any floor and in any room.
Parans wants to make healthy sunlight accessible to as many as possible, as often as possible. While the technology is advanced, the solution is simple.
The light people are experiencing is actual sunlight, brought to them directly through fiber optic cables from the roof. Parans transfers sunlight deep into buildings, turning unused property areas into profitable space. It’s a minimum intrusion for a maximum light experience. It’s a hi-tech system that makes the indoor environment more natural, in order to let the sun boost people’s creativity and productivity throughout the day, while lowering energy consumption.
Parans fiber optic daylighting system utilize minimal space on the roof versus how much natural light it could lead to the indoor environment – 30 floors down. With thin flexible cables, minimal intrusion is made, while a large amount of natural light is transported indoors. Not only could fiber optic daylighting be an extension of a window, but also create an artificial skylight, when traditional skylights or atriums are not possible. Increasing energy levels and productivity among employees while opening up new possibilities within the building. It’s a high tech way to fulfill daylight requirements while opening up endless design possibilities.
Since all components from Parans are available in BIMobject, they can easily be incorporated in one’s own design.
And when the new project is ready – the daylight performance of the Parans system can be measured in real-time, offering proof to all stakeholders of a healthy and natural indoor environment.
What’s good for people is also great for business.