Delegation trip to North Rhine-Westfalia

From 8 to 10 February the first group of participants (link to companies) in the Swedish-German Cleantech Platform is travelling digitally to North Rhine-Westfalia (NRW) to learn more about the innovation ecosystem in NRW, join networks and meet potential customers and partners. The delegation trip’s program consists of a public webinar, group meetings with utilities, engineering companies, clusters, networks and municipalities as well as individual pitch meetings. The program focuses on smart cities, renewable energies, energy and resource efficiency and waste management and recycling. At the end of the trip, every participating company shall have discovered business opportunities in NRW and found a partner to continue a dialogue with.

Do you want to be part of the program and meet our companies? Just join our webinar on 8 February, 2–3 p.m.

14.00  Welcome
Verena Adamheit, German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

14.03  The Swedish innovation system towards a 100 % fossil free society
Ludvig Lindström, Swedish Energy Agency

14.10  German energy transition – business opportunities in North Rhine-Westphalia
Verena Falb, EnergieAgentur.NRW

14.20  GreenTech made in NRW for a New Deal
Hanne Hagedorn, Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft NRW

14.25  Ten speed pitches of our Swedish cleantech companies

14.40  The strength of regional cooperation. Two cluster best practises

  1. Smart City Sweden West
    Sofia McConell, Business Region Göteborg
  2. Smart City Sweden North (North Sweden Cleantech)
    Nina Rismalm, Umeå

14.50  Discussion

15.00  End of seminar

Do you want to meet our companies in individual meetings? Just let us know and we will book a pitch meeting!

German partners of the delegation trip are the EnergyAgency.NRW and the Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft.NRW. Swedish partner is Smart City Sweden.